
Rocathaan Hotspray PA 410

Hotspray coating with a longer flow time which allows to realize smoother surfaces. 

Article number: 19410


 Hotspray coating based on pure, aromatic polyurea. The longer flow time of this product allows to realize smoother surfaces. 

The product is used as a coating for molds and other surfaces where a smooth surface is desired. Rocathaan Hotspray PA 410 is also suitable for coating metals, various closed grain wood varieties and for coating EPS, XPS and other hard types of insulation. 


Rocathaan Hotspray PA 410 is suitable for:

  • Metals
  • Various closed grain wood varieties
  • EPS
  • XPS
  • Hard types of insulation.


  •  40 kg set (already on colour) 
  • 447,5 kg set (colourless product)
    4,5 kg Prokol Hotspray Color Pasta 


  Product Data Sheet (PDS)

  Safety Data Sheet (SDS) – Base

  Safety Data Sheet (SDS) – Hardener

Additional information



If you are looking for technical data on this product, please download the product and/or safety sheet. Please feel free to contact Prokol in case of remaining questions. You can place an order by emailing